About the Spinone Club of America
The Spinone Club of America (SCOA) is the American Kennel Club (AKC) parent club for the Spinone Italiano.
Founded in 1987, a group of avid bird hunters created this club after learning about the Spinone from a hunt test bulletin. They met, promoted, and tested their dogs in both conformation and hunt, kept a registry, and successfully rooted the breed’s development in the United States. Dogs were imported from both Italy and the UK as a foundation for new lines.
SCOA began hosting National Specialty shows in 1994, was recognized as the official AKC parent club, and was accepted into the Sporting group in 2000. It is also a North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association (NAVHDA) affiliate.
SCOA is a 501(c)7 and contributions are not tax deductible.
Protect and Advance
Interest in the Spinone
Our 500+ members and their dogs participate in dog shows, obedience and agility trials, hunt tests and field trials, therapy work, and more.
We’re dedicated to Spinone health and happiness through breeding best practices, upholding the breed standard, protecting the interest of the breed, and enhancing the Spinone’s natural qualities.
The National Specialty is a multi-day event held each Spring that celebrates the Spinone Italiano.
Reconnect with old friends and make new ones, both human and canine.
Enjoy watching or running dogs in the field to better appreciate the hunting abilities they’re bred for.
Compete or cheer on the top Spinoni in the country in the show or sport ring.
Attend seminars on Spinone training and health concerns as well as the annual club meeting.
Judging the Spinone
The Spinone is often thought to be a difficult breed to judge. We look at the Spinone Italiano as a puzzle: each piece fits together to make the whole dog.
Our Judges Education Committee provides seminars and educational materials for AKC judges and interested enthusiasts. We recommend that you attend a presentation as the slides only tell part of the story.
SCOA supports responsible breeding.
Breeder List
SCOA’s Breeder List provides members the opportunity to advertise their services and contact information for interested puppy buyers.
Healthy Dogs
SCOA highly recommends testing to identify health issues, waiting until dogs are at least two years old before breeding, and registering test results with Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA).
We all need help when establishing a responsible breeding program. Members can reach out to well-respected breeders for their support.
Being a breeder is not to be taken lightly, nor for the faint of heart. Responsible breeders should be prepared to take back any dogs that owners can no longer keep.
Regional Clubs
Spinone Rescue of America
Spinone Rescue of America *
A SCOA-Sanctioned Rescue Organization for Spinone
Send to:
Patti Johnson, Rescue Coordinator
Spinone Rescue of America
7116 Hosler Road
Leo, IN 46765
Spinone Rescue of America is a 501(c)3 tax exempt public charity and all contributions can be taken as a tax deduction.
The Spinone Club of America will no longer be able to accept contributions designated for rescue.
Club Business
Founded in 1987, the Spinone Club of America is the official AKC Parent Club for the Spinone Italiano.
We have organized historical club information, documents, forms and more for easy browsing and download.