Become a Member
The Spinone Club of America (SCOA) welcomes Spinone owners and enthusiasts to join our club. It builds community, provides a wealth of information, actively preserves this unique breed, and supports local and national events.
SCOA’s Application Process
To begin the process of becoming a member you will need to receive Sponsor Signatures from two members. We suggest your breeder and another member you may know or perhaps your breeder will know someone. The form is a fillable pdf that can be completed digitally and emailed as an attachment without having to print and scan. You may wish to copy the link and paste it in an email to your sponsor. Once you have the sponsor forms completed you may email them to the Membership Secretary. We recommend you also include your signed Code of Ethics PDF at this time for a more seamless process.
After the Member Secretary has received your forms you will receive a reply with further instruction to proceed with your application.
Select the membership type below and complete the online check out process. *If you have a Household Member, remember to send them the invitation so that they may join and vote as a household member. They will need their own email address.
You will receive an email after you check out asking you to complete your profile on the website. It is imperative that you complete this information in order for us and other members to be able to find you. *If you log back in and do not see yourself listed as a member, this is the reason you don’t.
The Board will vote in new members at their next meeting.
Upon Board approval, you will become a full SCOA member with voting rights as applicable.
Your application requires that you read, understand, and agree to abide by the Constitution and Bylaws, and the Code of Conduct of the Spinone Club of America and the American Kennel Club.
Both Regular and Regular Foreign Memberships may add one Household Member for $5 after signup
For people 18 years of age and older. Includes the right to vote and hold office after 4 years of good standing in the club.
For people who live outside of the United States, 18 years of age and older. Excludes the right to vote or hold office.
Open to people 9‐17 years of age. Cannot vote or hold office.

As members, we increase our shared knowledge, make new friends, and discover new activities to share with our own dog.
We represent the Spinone Italiano with trust and respect.
Membership Benefits
Our Purpose…
Joining SCOA helps you understand not just your own beloved Spinone, your line, or the dogs in your chosen activity, but the breed as a whole, its history, its function, its current state of existence, and where it’s headed.
Our Members…
Spinone people tend to be much like our dogs. We’re friendly, easygoing, stubborn at times, and unique. We come together to understand the breed on all its merits — hunting ability and style, proper structure and temperament, and health issues.
Why Join?
Membership gives you a voice in the direction of the club and the breed as its future is everyone’s responsibility. We rely on long-term members to set a high standard and welcome the energy and solutions from newer members.
What’s Next?
Newcomers to Spinoni are initially attracted by their human expression and calm personality. But they fall in love with this cooperative breed and go on to train or test them at a higher rate than many other breeds.