Committees + SCOA Board
SCOA relies on the help of countless volunteers to keep the club working and members engaged in the greater community. Please email committees individually for any questions or download popular documents below.
SCOA Committees
Chair: Bonnie Blink
Members: Jackie Spiars, Tarn Rosenbaum
Board Liaison: Ann Bagnell
Recognize Spinone and club members for their outstanding performance in the advancement of the breed through the presentation of the listed awards.
Chair and Board Liaison: Tom Nortley
Members: Kristin Muir, Sam Emmons, Bob Haese, Tina Glengary Cordes
Please see the Awards page for details on how to submit a nomination.
Encourage and promote quality in the breeding of pure-bred Spinoni and to do all that is possible to bring their natural qualities to perfection.
Chair: Debby Forry
Members: Bonnie Blink, Jen Barkey, Mattie Cobban, Wendy Evans, Daina Hodges, Lori Hunt, Vienna Zucarro
Board Liaisons: Karen Luckey
Chair: Carmen Alvarez
Members: Alan Bush, Ann Bagnell, Tina Glengary Cordes
Board Liaison: Tina Glengary Cordes
Maintains and implements SCOA’s digital media and resources, including a website that serves the needs of the Club as well as the general public.
Chair: Vienna Zuccaro
Board Liaison: Kim Vanderbilt
Members: Tony Arduino, Olivia Cares, Kevin Hunt, Frank Leatherbury, Tarn Rosenbaum
Newsletter Editorial Team: Vienna Zuccaro, Olivia Cares, Tony Arduino, Frank Leatherbury
Calendar: Tony Arduino
For support with the website or Google Drive folders, please email
Keep up to date on health issues affecting the Spinone and regularly share knowledge with the membership.
Chair: Sue Acquistapace
Members: Mary Campbell, Karen Beyer, Karen Moodie, Nikki Davis, Julie Whaley, Kay McLeland, Holly Forbes
Board Liaison: Ann Bagnell
Facilitate and promote the testing of Spinoni in AKC and NAVHDA hunting tests, and to assist members in field-related events through education and program development.
Chair: Alyssa Pease
Members: Lauren Friedman, Karen Luckey, Becky Koch, Denise Hanna-Nosko, Talor Forbes, Frank Leatherbury
Board Liaison: Alan Bush
Continuing education of AKC conformation judges about the Spinone.
Chair: Karen Luckey
Members: Liz Bodell, Patti Johnson, and John Brading
Board Liaison: Kim Vanderbilt
Identify and create lists of AKC and foreign judges who are qualified to judge the breed at the National and Parent Specialty level as a resource for those seeking assistance with finding judges for future matches, sweepstakes, supported entries, and regional specialty assignments.
Chair: Sue Acquistapace
Members: Wendy Evans, Denise Hanna-Nosko
Board Liaison: Jay Joens
Please fill out our survey about your experiences with conformation judges!
Promote and encourage involvement in the AKC Junior Handling Program and other breed-appropriate events, including conformation, hunting events, and companion events.
Chair: Tina Glengary Cordes
Members: TBD
Board Liaison: Tina Glengary Cordes
Committee Description [to come]
Provide support to the SCOA Board and club members who are developing proposals for future National Specialty weeks.
Chair: Sue Acquistapace
Board Liaison: Tina Glengary Cordes
Choose and procure acceptance of nominees from among the eligible members of the Club for officers and board members.
For 2024: Delita Rosenbaum – Chair (North Carolina), Bonnie Blink (Texas), Teri Turner (Iowa)
Alternates: Becky Tevis (Oregon), Jill Krebs (South Carolina)
Appointed by the board in November annually.
A Registry of Merit is an award given to a sire or dam who has demonstrated their ability to produce offspring that reflect the breed’s character and purpose, as evidenced by the titles achieved by the offspring.
Chair: Angie Nortley
Board Liaison: Tom Nortley
Chair: Greg Worden
Members: Erika Callahan Hayes, Holly Forbes, Rebecca Axelrod-Cooper
Board Liaison: Jay Joens
Chair: Kay McLeland
Members: Bonnie Blink, Sue McGregor
Board Liaison: Alan Bush
Develop programs and merchandise to facilitate funding of SCOA events and the club in general.
Chair: Rebecca Van Ess
Members: Barbara Horrell, Laura Penfold, Bob Haese, Tony Arduino
Board Liaison: Tom Nortley
SCOA Board:
AKC Delegate:
Membership Secretary:
Breed Standard:
Legislative Liaison: Chris Sweetwood
Gazette Coordinator: Kim Vanderbilt
SCOA Board Members
Club Business
Founded in 1987, the Spinone Club of America is the official AKC Parent Club for the Spinone Italiano.
We have organized historical club information, documents, forms and more for easy browsing and download.