Make A Donation
Find out how to donate or view items for auction or raffle below.
This is a CALL FOR DONATIONS of items to auction in support of such worthy causes. Donations may be any item, from dog-related to personal items. All proceeds from the auctions are split 50-50 between SCOA and Spinone Rescue. If you are interested in donating item(s) or would like more information, please contact me
Beverlee Steinberg
Debby Forry
We would like to receive all donations by March 1, 2025.
We thank you for your support through donations for the auctions! To learn how your donations help SCOA and Spinone Rescue, please continue reading these messages from Patti Johnson of Spinone Rescue and Ann Bagnell, President of SCOA:
From Patti Johnson: We are happy to once again partner with the Spinone Club of America at this year's 2025 Spinone National Specialty auction. Proceeds from the auction are divided equally between Spinone Rescue and the Spinone Club of America. This eliminates the need to label items individually either for Rescue or for SCOA. It also makes payment and record keeping so much easier for everyone involved.
In one 12 month period, encompassing part of 2023 and part of 2024, our vet bills for Rescue exceeded $15,000. Thankfully, we had the funds to make sure these dogs could receive the medical care they needed. Without the support of Spinone enthusiasts we could never do this and we are eternally grateful for those of you who support Rescue with monetary donations throughout the year as well as those who donate to the annual auction. We are also thankful for the endless support of the Spinone Club of America, its members, and its officers.
So please remember that every donation made to the 2025 National Specialty auction serves 2 purposes. It helps to offset the cost for the yearly event and it also helps Spinone Rescue to continue to help the dogs that need us the most.
From Ann Bagnell: The other 50% goes to the general funds of SCOA. They offset costs of the National Specialty itself, allowing us to run seminars and other events, bring in judges, and pay for facilities. In addition, general funds are used for all the club activities and expenses throughout the year, including the website and the various subscription products needed to maintain the site, health webinars and other committee activities, and the everyday business of the club.
SCOA is asking for those interested in donating items towards the welcome bags, it would be greatly appreciated. Some examples, pens, poop bags, dog treats, any dog or people related items. 100ct. Any questions you're more than welcome to contact Debby Forry at or give me a call 719-433-4730.
You can have the welcome bag items sent to:
Beverlee Steinberg
SCOA Welcome Bags
1317 Rutland St
Houston, TX 77008
Any questions for Beverlee please call:
Your support and generosity is greatly appreciated!
To sponsor a trophy, please visit the National Specialty Store.
The Rainbow Bridge celebrates the lives of the Spinone we have lost. If you have a Spinone that has passed since the last Rainbow Bridge (April 2024) and you would like them memorialized in this time-honored tradition, please email
The deadline for submission is February 19th, 2025.
Auction Item Examples…

Thank you to the many volunteers, donors, sponsors, and supporters!